Cue Ball Striking

If you have followed lesson 1-5 you are ready to strike the cue ball with the right cue action and the correct delivery of the cue to the Cue Ball.
This is the most difficult of all the fundamentals to master, and is probably, the most important one of them all .In striking the Cue Ball, your cue tip must hit the exact spot on the Cue Ball you intend to hit with a smooth flowing movement of the cue, which is accelerating through the cue ball in a perfectly straight line that is horizontal with the bed of the table.
“If you are to reach your true potential you will have to continually practice this crucial fundamental”.
To be able to play your chosen game at a high level you must able to strike the cue ball on centre of its axis. [Centre, Top and Bottom] You will achieve your objective much sooner if you practice hitting the cue ball somewhere on its axis.
See FIG 1

At this juncture let me make it clear that to be a good player you will need to understand the application of sidespin [Sometimes called English], which I will cover later.

Author: Dan Scullion

Dan Scullion is the former Chairman of the Canadian Billiards & Snooker Council. Dan has been coaching snooker for over 40 years and still does so today in the province of Alberta.

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