A Snooker Poem

    In a room of silence, dimly lit, Where cues collide and balls commit, There lies a game of skill and might, Where snooker’s dance unfolds each night.   Upon the green, a table vast, Where ivory spheres roll steadfast, A tapestry of colors bright, In a game that […]

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Quebec Snooker Final 4

Congratulations to all the players that wrapped up the league this week in Quebec. 2 hard fought semi finals concluded with Long beating Gord in a decider and Eddie beating Ron in the other semi finals. In the end, it was Long that was too strong for Lucky Eddie as […]

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King Kenny does it again, BC Open 2024 Champion

Tournament Results   For the group stage, www.challonge.com/2024bcopengroupstage For the final stage, www.challonge.com/2024bcopenfinalstage   In a tournament that saw 52 players competing, and with a waiting list to boot, snooker in BC is going in the right direction.   It looked like it wasn’t going to be this way as […]

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