Snooker season begins Sep. 3 in Markham, On.

The 2016-2017 snooker season kicks off in just a few days and it will take place at Master Q’s in Markham, On Saturday, September 3.

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Master Q’s has graciously offered to open their place a little earlier, so that players can practice for free, and get ready to battle at this one day event.

The tournament will begin at 11 am, but anyone can come in when they open at 10 am and start getting that snooker elbow a little loose.

The entry for this event is $35 and the draw will take place on the day of the tournament.  The maximum amount of players for this event will be 24, and entries will be registered on a first come first serve basis.

Of course, one way to guarantee your spot is by paying in advance, and this can be done by calling us at our toll free phone # (888) 487-7506 or by emailing


All levels welcome!

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