100 000+ Canadians To Learn About Snooker

The first stop of a national shopping mall tour will take place in Montreal this weekend, and the buzz has already begun.

A snooker table will be standing tall in the center of one of the busiest shopping malls in the country and it will be the center of attraction this week.

The Eastern Canadian Championships will take place with thousands of spectators stopping in to see the action.  In between matches, there will be exhibitions and tutorials about the game of snooker to everyone there.

The brochures have been printed, the posters are displayed on every entrance and exit in the mall already, and we are all super excited to introduce our beautiful sport to the public.

Radio interviews are scheduled, internet streaming is on it’s way and the news cameras are not far behind.

The time has finally arrived for us to expand from our small bubble in closed, private areas, and join the rest of the world in exposing the game of snooker.

A full report will follow during and after the festivities at www.snookercanada.ca

All the action and details can also be followed on the link below.





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